Deyimlerin İngilizcesi Çok Güldürdü

deyimler İngilizce olursa ne olur?

  1. Çok yaşa  <p>  &#8220;May you live long&#8221;

    Çok yaşa

    “May you live long”

  2. Armut piş ağzıma düş<p>    &#8220;May the pear be cooked on the tree and fall into my mouth&#8221;

    Armut piş ağzıma düş

    “May the pear be cooked on the tree and fall into my mouth”

  3. Boşver  &#8220;Give empty&#8221;

    Boşver “Give empty”

  4. Battı balık yan gider  <p>  &#8220;A sunken fish goes sideways&#8221;

    Battı balık yan gider

    “A sunken fish goes sideways”

  5. Bir musibet bin nasihatten iyidir  <p>  &#8220;One bad experience is worth a thousand warnings&#8221;

    Bir musibet bin nasihatten iyidir

    “One bad experience is worth a thousand warnings”

  6. Hoş geldiniz  &#8221;Your arrival is lovely&#8221;

    Hoş geldiniz ”Your arrival is lovely”

  7. Şeytan tüyü  <p>  &#8220;The devil&#8217;s feather&#8221;

    Şeytan tüyü

    “The devil’s feather”

  8. Taş attı da kolu mu yoruldu?  <p>  &#8220;Did he throw a stone so his arm got tired?&#8221;

    Taş attı da kolu mu yoruldu?

    “Did he throw a stone so his arm got tired?”

  9. Bir yastıkta kocasınlar  <p>  &#8220;May they grow old with one pillow&#8221;

    Bir yastıkta kocasınlar

    “May they grow old with one pillow”

  10. Etekleri zil çalıyor  <p>  &#8220;The bells on their hems are ringing&#8221;

    Etekleri zil çalıyor

    “The bells on their hems are ringing”

  11. Pabucu dama atıldı  <p>  &#8220;His shoe has been thrown onto the roof&#8221;

    Pabucu dama atıldı

    “His shoe has been thrown onto the roof”

  12. Havadan sudan  <p>  &#8220;Of the air and water&#8221;

    Havadan sudan

    “Of the air and water”

  13. Ciğerimin köşesi  <p>  &#8220;The corner of my liver&#8221;

    Ciğerimin köşesi

    “The corner of my liver”

  14. İyi ki doğdun  <p>  &#8220;It&#8217;s good that you were born&#8221;

    İyi ki doğdun

    “It’s good that you were born”

  15. El elden üstündür  <p>  &#8220;A hand is superior to another person&#8217;s hand&#8221;

    El elden üstündür

    “A hand is superior to another person’s hand”

  16. Geçmiş olsun  <p>  &#8220;May it be the past&#8221;

    Geçmiş olsun

    “May it be the past”

  17. Nazar değmesin  <p>  &#8220;May you not be touched by the evil eye&#8221;

    Nazar değmesin

    “May you not be touched by the evil eye”

  18. Hayırlı olsun  <p>  &#8220;May it be auspicious&#8221;

    Hayırlı olsun

    “May it be auspicious”

  19. Allah analı babalı büyütsün  <p>  &#8220;May God let him/her grow up with both a mom and dad&#8221;

    Allah analı babalı büyütsün

    “May God let him/her grow up with both a mom and dad”

  20. Kolay gelsin  <p>  &#8221;May it be easy for you&#8221;

    Kolay gelsin

    ”May it be easy for you”

  21. Kafayı üşüttü  <p>  &#8220;They&#8217;ve caught a cold in their head&#8221;

    Kafayı üşüttü

    “They’ve caught a cold in their head”

  22. Başınız sağolsun  <p>  &#8220;May your head stay healthy&#8221;

    Başınız sağolsun

    “May your head stay healthy”

  23. (Benim) ilk göz ağrım  <p>  &#8220;The first pain of my eye&#8221;

    (Benim) ilk göz ağrım

    “The first pain of my eye”

  24. Ellerine sağlık  <p>  &#8220;Health to your hand&#8221;

    Ellerine sağlık

    “Health to your hand”

  25. Güle güle gidin  <p>  &#8220;May you go laughing&#8221;

    Güle güle gidin

    “May you go laughing”

  26. Sıhhatler olsun  <p>  &#8220;May it bring your health&#8221;

    Sıhhatler olsun

    “May it bring your health”

  27. Elini sallasa ellisi  <p>  &#8220;If he waves his hand fifty will come&#8221;

    Elini sallasa ellisi

    “If he waves his hand fifty will come”